Trane Chiller Error Codes: Complete List and Fixes

Chilled water inlet and outlet openings are covered for shipment. Each compressor has a separate compressor motor starter. The RTAC series features Trane’s exclusive Adaptive Control ™ logic, which monitors the control variables that govern the operation of the chiller unit.

Series R Air-Cooled Helical Rotary Liquid Chillers – RTAC Plus 140 – 350 Ton (60 Hz) RTAC Plus 140 – 300 Ton (50 Hz)


Hex CodeDiagnostic Name
398BAS Communication Lost. The BAS was setup as “installed” at the MP and the Comm 3 LLID lost communications with the BAS for 15 contiguous minutes after it had been established. Refer to Section on Setpoint Arbitration to determine how setpoints and operating modes may be effected by the comm loss. The chiller follows the value of the Tracer Default Run Command which can be previously written by Tracer and stored nonvolatilely by the MP (either use local or shutdown).
390BAS Failed to Establish. The BAS was setup as “installed” and the BAS did not communicate with the MP within 15 minutes after power-up. Refer to Section on Setpoint Arbitration to determine how setpoints and operating modes may be effected. Note: The original requirement for this was 2 minutes, but was implemented at 15 minutes for RTAC
2E6Check Clock. The real time clock had detected loss of its oscillator at some time in the past. This diagnostic can be effectively cleared only by writing a new value to the chiller's time clock using the TechView or DynaView's "set chiller time" functions.
8AChilled Water Flow (Entering) The entering evaporator water temp fell below the leaving evaporator water temp. by more than 2°F for 100 °F-sec. For RTAC this diagnostic cannot reliably indicate loss of flow, but can warn of improper flow direction through the evaporator, misbound temperature sensors, or other system problems.
5EFComm Loss: Chilled Water Flow Switch. Continual loss of communication between the MP and the Immediate Functional ID has occurred for a 30 second period.
5F2Comm Loss: Cond Rfgt. Immediate Latch Same as Comm Loss: Chilled Water Flow Switch.
694Comm Loss: Electronic Expansion Valve, Circuit #1. Same as Comm Loss: Chilled Water Flow Switch Remote.
695Comm Loss: Electronic Expansion Valve, Circuit #2. Same as Comm Loss: Chilled Water Flow Switch Remote.
5DEComm Loss: Emergency Stop. Same as Comm Loss: Chilled Water Flow Switch Remote Stop.
68EComm Loss: Evap Oil Return Valve, Cprsr 1A. Same as Comm Loss: Chilled Water Flow Switch Remote.
69EComm Loss: Evap Oil Return Valve, Cprsr 1B. Same as Comm Loss: Chilled Water Flow Switch.
68FComm Loss: Evap Oil Return Valve, Cprsr 2A. Same as Comm Loss: Chilled Water Flow Switch.
69FComm Loss: Evap Oil Return Valve, Cprsr 2B. Same as Comm Loss: Chilled Water Flow Switch.
5E4Comm Loss: Evaporator Entering Water Temperature. Same as Comm Loss: Chilled Water Flow Switch.
5E3Comm Loss: Evaporator Leaving Water Temperature. Same as Comm Loss: Chilled Water Flow Switch.
6BBComm Loss: Evaporator Rfgt Drain Valve - Ckt 1. Same as Comm Loss: Chilled Water Flow Switch.
6BCComm Loss: Evaporator Rfgt Drain Valve - Ckt 2. Same as Comm Loss: Chilled Water Flow Switch.
688Comm Loss: Evaporator Rfgt Liquid Level, Circuit #1. Same as Comm Loss: Chilled Water Flow Switch.
689Comm Loss: Evaporator Rfgt Liquid Level, Circuit #2. Same as Comm Loss: Chilled Water Flow Switch.
5F0Comm Loss: Evaporator Rfgt Pressure, Circuit #1. Continual loss of communication between the MP and he Functional ID has occurred for a 30 second period. Note: This diagnostic is replaced by diagnostic 5FB below with Rev 15.0.
5F1Comm Loss: Evaporator Rfgt Pressure, Circuit #2. Continual loss of communication between the MP and the Functional ID has occurred for a 30 second period. Note: This diagnostic is replaced by diagnostic 5FD below with Rev 15.0.
5F8Comm Loss: Evaporator Water Pump Control. Same as Comm Loss: Chilled Water Flow Switch.
5DDComm Loss: External Auto/ Stop. Same as Comm Loss: Chilled Water Flow Switch Remote.
5E9Comm Loss: External Chilled Water Setpoint. Continual loss of communication between the MP and the Functional ID has occurred for a 30 second period. Chiller shall discontinue use of the External Chilled Water Setpoint source and revert to the next higher priority for setpoint arbitration.
5DFComm Loss: External Circuit Lockout, Circuit #1. Continual loss of communication between the MP and the Functional ID has occurred for a 30 second period. MP will nonvolatily hold the lockout state (enabled or disabled) that was in effect at the time of comm loss.
5E0Comm Loss: External Circuit Lockout, Circuit #2. Same as Comm Loss: External Circuit Lockout, Circuit #1.
5EAComm Loss: External Current Limit Setpoint. Continual loss of communication between the MP and the Functional ID has occurred for a 30 second period. Chiller shall discontinue use of the External Current limit setpoint and revert to the next higher priority for Current Limit setpoint arbitration.
680Comm Loss: Fan Control Circuit #1, Stage #1. Same as Comm Loss: Chilled Water Flow Switch.
681Comm Loss: Fan Control Circuit #1, Stage #2. Same as Comm Loss: Chilled Water Flow Switch.
682Comm Loss: Fan Control Circuit #1, Stage #3. Same as Comm Loss: Chilled Water Flow Switch.
683Comm Loss: Fan Control Circuit #1, Stage #4. Same as Comm Loss: Chilled Water Flow Switch.
684Comm Loss: Fan Control Circuit #2, Stage #1. Same as Comm Loss: Chilled Water Flow Switch.
685Comm Loss: Fan Control Circuit #2, Stage #2. Same as Comm Loss: Chilled Water Flow Switch.
686Comm Loss: Fan Control Circuit #2, Stage #3. Same as Comm Loss: Chilled Water Flow Switch.
687Comm Loss: Fan Control Circuit #2, Stage #4. Same as Comm Loss: Chilled Water Flow Switch.
68CComm Loss: Fan Inverter Fault, Circuit #1 or Circuit #1, Drive 1. Continual loss of communication between the MP and the Functional ID has occurred for a 30 second period. Operate the remaining fans as fixed speed fan deck.
68DComm Loss: Fan Inverter Fault, Circuit #1, Drive 2. Same as Comm Loss: Fan Inverter Fault, Circuit #1 or Circuit #1, .Drive 1.
69AComm Loss: Fan Inverter Fault, Circuit #2 or Circuit #2. Same as Comm Loss: Fan Inverter Fault, Circuit #1 or Circuit #1, .Drive 1.
69BComm Loss: Fan Inverter Fault, Circuit #2, Drive 2. Same as Comm Loss: Fan Inverter Fault, Circuit #1 or Circuit #1, .Drive 1.
68AComm Loss: Fan Inverter Power, Circuit #1 or Circuit #1 Drive 1 and 2. Same as Comm Loss: Fan Inverter Fault, Circuit #1 or Circuit #1, .Drive 1.
698Comm Loss: Fan Inverter Power, Circuit #2 or Circuit #2 or Drive 1 and 2. Same as Comm Loss: Fan Inverter Fault, Circuit #1 Drive 1.
68BComm Loss: Fan Inverter Speed Command, Circuit #1 or Circuit #1 Drive 1 and 2. Same as Comm Loss: Fan Inverter Fault, Circuit #1 or Circuit #1, .Drive 1.
699Comm Loss: Fan Inverter or Circuit #2 Drive 1 and 2 Speed Command, Circuit #2. Same as Comm Loss: Fan Inverter Fault, Circuit #1 or Circuit #1,.Drive 1.
5D9Comm Loss: Female Step Load Compressor 1A. Same as Comm Loss: Chilled Water Flow Switch.
5DAComm Loss: Female Step Load Compressor 1B.
5DBComm Loss: Female Step Load Compressor 2A
5DCComm Loss: Female Step Load Compressor 2B
5EBComm Loss: High Pressure Cutout Switch, Cprsr 1A
5ECComm Loss: High Pressure Cutout Switch, Cprsr 1B
5EDComm Loss: High Pressure Cutout Switch, Cprsr 2A
5EEComm Loss: High Pressure Cutout Switch, Cprsr 2B
5E1Comm Loss: Ice-Machine Control
5FAComm Loss: Ice-Making Status
5F4Comm Loss: Intermediate Oil Pressure, Cprsr 1A
5F5Comm Loss: Intermediate Oil Pressure, Cprsr 1B
5F6Comm Loss: Intermediate Oil Pressure, Cprsr 2A
5F7Comm Loss: Intermediate Oil Pressure, Cprsr 2B
69DComm Loss: Local BAS Interface
5D2Comm Loss: Male Port Load Compressor 1A
5D4Comm Loss: Male Port Load Compressor 1B
5D6Comm Loss: Male Port Load Compressor 2A
5D8Comm Loss: Male Port Load Compressor 2B
5D1Comm Loss: Male Port Unload Compressor 1A
5D3Comm Loss: Male Port Unload Compressor 1B
5D5Comm Loss: Male Port Unload Compressor 2A
5D7Comm Loss: Male Port Unload Compressor 2B
5E5Comm Loss: Oil Temperature, Circuit #1 or Cprsr 1A
5E6Comm Loss: Oil Temperature, Circuit #2 or Cprsr 2A
696Comm Loss: Oil Temperature, Cprsr 1B
697Comm Loss: Oil Temperature, Cprsr 2B
5E2Comm Loss: Outdoor Air Temperature
690Comm Loss: Starter 1A
691Comm Loss: Starter 1B
692Comm Loss: Starter 2A
693Comm Loss: Starter 2B
6ACComm Loss: Starter Panel High Temperature Limit – Panel 1, Cprsr 1B
6ABComm Loss: Starter Panel High Temperature Limit – Panel 1, Cprsr 2A
6ADComm Loss: Starter Panel High Temperature Limit – Panel 2, Cprsr 2B
6A0Comm Loss: Status/ Annunciation Relays
5FBComm Loss: Suction Pressure Cprsr 1A
5FCComm Loss: Suction Pressure Cprsr 1B
5FDComm Loss: Suction Pressure Cprsr 2A
5FEComm Loss: Suction Pressure Cprsr 2B
2A1Condenser Fan Variable Speed Drive Fault – Circuit 1 (Drive 1)
5B4Condenser Fan Variable Speed Drive Fault – Circuit 1 Drive 2
2A2Condenser Fan Variable Speed Drive Fault – Circuit 2 (Drive 1)
5B5Condenser Fan Variable Speed Drive Fault – Circuit 2 (Drive 2)
5B8Condenser Refrigerant Pressure Transducer – Circuit 1
5B9Condenser Refrigerant Pressure Transducer – Circuit 2
FDEmergency Stop
8EEvaporator Entering Water Temperature Sensor
ABEvaporator Leaving Water Temperature Sensor
27DEvaporator Liquid Level Sensor - Circuit 1
3F9Evaporator Liquid Level Sensor - Circuit 2
6B9Evaporator Rfgt Drain - Circuit 1
6BAEvaporator Rfgt Drain - Circuit 2
EDEvaporatorWater Flow Lost
384Evaporator Water Flow Overdue
5C4Excessive Loss of Comm
87External Chilled Water Setpoint
89External Current Limit Setpoint
1C6High Differential Refrigerant Pressure - Circuit 1
1C7High Differential Refrigerant Pressure - Circuit 2
584High Evaporator Liquid Level - Circuit 1
5B7High Evaporator Liquid Level - Circuit 2
6B8High Evaporator Refrigerant Pressure
1DEHigh Oil Temperature - Compressor 1A
1E0High Oil Temperature - Compressor 1B
1DDHigh Oil Temperature - Compressor 2A
1DFHigh Oil Temperature - Compressor 2B
F5High Pressure Cutout - Compressor 1A
F6High Pressure Cutout - Compressor 1B
BEHigh Pressure Cutout – Compressor 2A
BFHigh Pressure Cutout – Compressor 2B
5BEIntermediate Oil Pressure Compressor 2A
BFHigh Pressure Cutout – Compressor 2B
5BEIntermediate Oil Pressure Transducer - Compressor 1A
5BFIntermediate Oil Pressure Transducer - Compressor 1B
5C0Intermediate Oil Pressure Transducer - Compressor 2A
5C1Intermediate Oil Pressure Transducer - Compressor 2B
C5Low Chilled Water Temp: Unit Off
C6Low Chilled Water Temp: Unit On
1AELow Differential Refrigerant Pressure - Circuit 1
1AFLow Differential Refrigerant Pressure - Circuit 2
583Low Evaporator Liquid Level - Circuit 1
5B6Low Evaporator Liquid Level - Circuit 2
194Low Evaporator Refrigerant Temperature - Circuit 1
195Low Evaporator Refrigerant Temperature - Circuit 2
6B3Low Evaporator Temp – Ckt 1: Unit Off
6B3Low Evaporator Temp – Ckt 2: Unit Off
198Low Oil Flow – Compressor 1A
199Low Oil Flow – Compressor 1B
19ALow Oil Flow – Compressor 2A
19BLow Oil Flow – Compressor
B5Low Suction Refrigerant Pressure - Circuit 1
B6Low Suction Refrigerant Pressure - Circuit 2
B7Low Suction Refrigerant Pressure - Cprsr 1B
B8Low Suction Refrigerant Pressure - Cprsr 2B
BAMotor Current Overload – Compressor 1A
BBMotor Current Overload – Compressor 1B
BCMotor Current Overload – Compressor 2A
BDMotor Current Overload –
Compressor 2B
1ADMP Application Memory CRC Error
6A1MP: Could not Store Starts and Hours
5FFMP: Invalid Configuration
6A2MP: Non-Volatile Block Test Error
69CMP: Non-Volatile Memory Reformat
D9MP: Reset Has Occurred
1E1Oil Flow Fault – Compressor 1A
1E2Oil Flow Fault – Compressor 1B
5A0Oil Flow Fault – Compressor 2A
5A1Oil Flow Fault – Compressor 2B
1E6Oil Temperature Sensor – Cprsr 1B
1E8Oil Temperature Sensor – Cprsr 2B
1E6Oil Temperature Sensor – Cprsr 1A
1E8Oil Temperature Sensor – Cprsr 2B
1E6Oil Temperature Sensor – Cprsr 1A
1E7Oil Temperature Sensor – Cprsr 2A
A1Outdoor Air Temperature Sensor
D7Over Voltage
19CPhase Loss – Compressor 1A
19DPhase Loss - Compressor 1B
19EPhase Loss - Compressor 2A
19FPhase Loss - Compressor 2B
184Phase Reversal – Compressor 1A
185Phase Reversal – Compressor 1B
186Phase Reversal – Compressor 2A
187Phase Reversal – Compressor 2B
1A0Power Loss – Compressor 1A
1A1Power Loss - Compressor 1B
1A2Power Loss - Compressor 2A
1A3Power Loss - Compressor 2B
8CPumpdown Terminated – Circuit 1
8DPumpdown Terminated –
Circuit 2
1B2Severe Current Imbalance – Compressor 1A
1B3Severe Current Imbalance – Compressor 1B
1B4Severe Current Imbalance – Compressor 2A
1B5Severe Current Imbalance – Compressor 2B
5CDStarter 1A Comm Loss: MP
6A7Starter 1A Dry Run Test
5CEStarter 1B Comm Loss: MP
6A8Starter 1B Dry Run Test
5CFStarter 2A Comm Loss: MP
6A9Starter 2A Dry Run Test
5D0Starter 2B Comm Loss: MP
6AAStarter 2B Dry Run Test
CCStarter Contactor Interrupt Failure - Compressor 2A
CAStarter Contactor Interrupt Failure - Compressor 1A
CBStarter Contactor Interrupt Failure - Compressor 1B
CDStarter Contactor Interrupt Failure - Compressor 2B
180Starter Did Not Transition – Compressor 1A
181Starter Did Not Transition – Compressor 1B
182Starter Did Not Transition – Compressor 2A
183Starter Did Not Transition – Compressor 2B
6A3Starter Failed to Arm/Start – Cprsr 1A
6A4Starter Failed to Arm/Start – Cprsr 1B
6A5Starter Failed to Arm/Start – Cprsr 2A
6A6Starter Failed to Arm/Start – Cprsr 2B
1E9Starter Fault Type I – Compressor 1A
1 EAStarter Fault Type I – Compressor 1B
1 EBStarter Fault Type I – Compressor 2A
1ECStarter Fault Type I – Compressor 2B
1EDStarter Fault Type II – Compressor 1A
1EEStarter Fault Type II – Compressor 1B
1EFStarter Fault Type II – Compressor 2A
1F0Starter Fault Type II – Compressor 2B
1F1Starter Fault Type III – Compressor 1A
1F2Starter Fault Type III – Compressor 1B
1F3Starter Fault Type III – Compressor 2A
1F4Starter Fault Type III – Compressor 2B
5C7Starter Module Memory Error Type 1 - Starter 2A
5C8Starter Module Memory Error Type 1 - Starter 2B
5C5Starter Module Memory Error Type 1Starter 1A
5C6Starter Module Memory Error Type 1-Starter 1B
5C9Starter Module Memory Error Type 2 - Starter 1A
5CAStarter Module Memory Error Type 2 - Starter 1B
5CBStarter Module Memory Error Type 2 - Starter 2A
5CCStarter Module Memory Error Type 2 - Starter 2B
6B1Starter Panel High Temperature Limit – Panel 1, Cprsr 1B
6B0Starter Panel High Temperature Limit – Panel 1, Cprsr 2A
6B2Starter Panel High Temperature Limit – Panel 2, Cprsr 2B
5BASuction Refrigerant Pressure Transducer – Circuit 1, Compressor 1A
5BBSuction Refrigerant Pressure Transducer – Circuit 1, Compressor 1B
5BCSuction Refrigerant Pressure Transducer - Circuit 2, Compressor 2A
5BDSuction Refrigerant Pressure Transducer - Circuit 2, Compressor 2B
5B0Transition Complete Input Opened - Compressor 1A
5B1Transition Complete Input Opened - Compressor 1B
5B2Transition Complete Input Opened - Compressor 2A
5B3Transition Complete Input Opened - Compressor 2B
5ACTransition Complete Input Shorted - Compressor 1A
5ADTransition Complete Input Shorted - Compressor 1B
5AETransition Complete Input Shorted - Compressor 2A
5AFTransition Complete Input Shorted - Compressor 2B
D8Under Voltage
771Very Low Evaporator Refrigerant Pressure – Circuit 1
772Very Low Evaporator Refrigerant Pressure – Circuit 2
Series R Air-Cooled Helical Rotary Liquid Chillers
Series R Air-Cooled Helical Rotary Liquid Chillers
Trane 15-30 Ton Compressor Internal Components
Trane 15-30 Ton Compressor Internal Components

Manual Pdf

Series R Air-Cooled Helical Rotary Liquid Chillers Manual PDF

RTAC Air-Cooled Helical Rotary Liquid Chillers PDF

Air-Cooled Scroll Chillers Model CGAM 20 – 130 Tons Installation Operation Maintenance

Series R Helical Rotary Water-Cooled Liquid and Compressor Chillers Models RTWD and RTUD Installation Operation Maintenance

Trane AC Error Codes

Danny Reese

*If you can't find the code you're looking for on our site, please let us know, and we'll update our database as soon as possible.

5 thoughts on “Trane Chiller Error Codes: Complete List and Fixes”

  1. Low Oil Flow – Compressor 2A
    Low Oil Flow – Compressor 2B
    Oil Flow Fault – Compressor 2A
    Oil Flow Fault – Compressor 2B
    Starter Failed to Arm/Start – Cprsr 2A


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