Trane AC Error Codes (Full List)

Trane Technologies Inc. is a heating, ventilating, and air conditioning designer, manufacturer, and seller. A subsidiary of Ingersoll Rand Inc. the company is based in Swords, Dublin, and has managed to build a wide network around the world. With 104 manufacturing locations in 28 countries, the company is setting the world with one HVAC system at a time.

What started as a plumbing business, soon became manufacturing for heating products. Putting them in the direction of a cooling system, and lead to the first air conditioner production in 1931. After purchasing General Electronics they built on their findings and created systems that blew everyone away. Adding top-of-the-line requirements and technology to every new model they released, the company soon made a comfortable space at the top of the food chain.

Trane air conditioners are still considered to be the best out there, but there are times you will find an issue here or there. Some of the most common ones come forward as error codes. Start by noting down the error code, and match it using the list below. Once you have the error code you can easily work your way to the fix. To help you out we have listed down some of the most common error codes for Trane AC.

Split System Codes

When malfunction or protection occurs in the air conditioner, corresponding code will be displayed on the screen of the indoor unit and the indicator of outdoor unit will blink accordingly as well. When protection or malfunction is eliminated, display will be back to normal.

9, 12 MBH – 60 and 50 Hz ( No LED light on outdoor PCB)

Error CodeProblem
EEStorage slug
E1Indoor PCB malfunction
E2Anti-freezing protection
H4Overload system
H6No motor of indoor unit feedback
F2Indoor pipe temperature sensor malfunction
F1Internal ambient temperature sensor malfunction
UFZero passage abnormal
H3Overload of compressor
LcStartup failure
UHNo motor of outdoor unit feedback
E5Overcurrent protection
U74-way valve conversion abnormal
U1Phase current detection malfuntion of compressor

12, 24 MBH – 60 and 50 Hz

Error CodeProblem
E1System high pressure protection
E2Anti-freezing protection
E4Compressor air exhaust high temp. protection
E5AC overload protection
E6Indoor and outdoor units commication malfunction
E8Anti-high temp. protection
H6Indoor unit motor no feedback
C5Jump wire cap malfunction protection
F1Indoor ambient sensor open circuit, short circuit
F2Indoor evaporator sensor circuit open, short circuit
F3Outdoor ambient sensor circuit open, circuit short
F4Outdoor condensor sensor oepn circuit, short circuit
F5Outdoor air exhaust sensor open circuit, short circuit
F6Overload limit/descending frequency
F8Over current need frewuency descending
F9Air exhaust over high need frequency descending
PHDC generatrix voltage
U3DC Bus voltage dips
PLLow DC Bus voltage protection
EUIPM temp. is too high limit/decrease frequency
U7Four-way valve abnormal
U9Outdoor unit zero-cross detecting error
FHAnti-freezing limit/decrease frequency

Error Messages and Actions

Error MessagesActions
0x01EEPROM ERROR. ERROR 01 EEPROM communication error contact service technician. Unit stops working. Action to be taken by user: Contact service technician.
0x02COMPRESSOR FAILURE ERROR OR Refrigerant Leakage Error. Error 02 Compressor failure or refrigerant leakage contact service technician. Unit stops working. Action to be taken by user: Contact service technician.
0x03FILTER CHOKE ERROR. Error 03 Filter choke error -Clean the filter. Unit operates as per user settings. Action to be taken by user: Clean filters.
0x04Indoor Temp Sensor Error (Room). Error 04 Room Temp Sensor Failure Contact Service Technician. Cool Mode Or Dry Mode: Unit Operate With Compressor Off Fan Mode: Operates As Per User Setting.
0x05Outdoor Temp Sensor Error. Error 05 Outdoor Temp Sensor Failure Contact Service Technician. Operates Indoor Unit And Outdoor Unit As Per User Setting. If Trane Mode Is Activated Unit Should Operate At Set Point 24 °C.
0x06Indoor Coil Sensor Error. Error 06 Indoor Temp Sensor Failure Contact Service Technician. Cool Mode Or Dry Mode: Unit Operate With Compressor Off Fan Mode: Operates As Per User Setting.
0x08Communication Error. Error 08 Communication Error Contact Service Technician. Stop Indoor Unit And Outdoor Unit.
0x09BATTERY LOW ERROR. Error 09 Low battery please change the battery. Operates indoor unit and outdoor unit as per user setting. Action to be taken by user: Change battery.
0x0AInput Power Error. Error 10 Idu Error - Input Power Problem. Unit Stops Working. Action To Be Taken By User: Check The Power Cord / Contact Service Technician
0x0BFan Failure Error. Error 11 IDU Error - Fan Failure. Unit Stops Working.

Mini / Multi-Split Wired Controller

Trane Mini Multi-Split Wired Controller Error Codes
Trane Mini Multi-Split Wired Controller Error Codes
Fault CodesMeaning
F1Return air temperature sensor open/short circuited
F2Evaporator temperature sensor open/short circuited
b5Indoor unit liquid valve temperature sensor open/ short circuited
b7Indoor gas valve temperature sensor open/short circuited
P7IPM temperature sensor open/short circuited
F3Outdoor ambient temperature sensor open/short circuited
F4Outdoor unit condenser mid-tube temperature sensor open/short circuited
F5Discharge temperature sensor open/short circuited
E6Indoor and outdoor communication error
PLDC bus under-voltage protection
PHDC bus over-voltage protection
U1Compressor phase current sensing circuit error
HECompressor demagnetization protection
HcPFC protection
P8IPM Temperature Protection
L9Over-power protection
F0System charge shortage or blockage protection
PUCapacitor charging error
E1High pressure protection
E3Low pressure protection
LECompressor stalling
PFDrive board temperature sensor error
P9AC contactor protection
PETemperature drift protection
PdSensor connection protection
U3Sensor connection protection
L3Outdoor fan 1 error protection
LAOutdoor fan 2 error protection
P6Drive board communication error
H3Compressor overheating protection
LPIndoor and outdoor units unmatched
dnCommunication line mis-connected or expansion valve error
E7Running mode conflict
H1Forced defrosting
LcCompressor startup failure
E4High discharge temperature protection
E8Overload protection
E5Whole unit over-current protection
P5Over phase current protection
H7Compressor desynchronizing
H5IPM Current protection
LdCompressor phase loss/reversal protection
F8Frequency restricted/reduced with whole unit current protection
EnFrequency restricted/reduced with IPM current protection
F9Frequency restricted/reduced with high discharge temperature
FHFrequency restricted/reduced with anti-freezing protection
F6Frequency restricted/reduced with overload protection
EUFrequency restricted/reduced with IPM temperature protection
E9Indoor unit full water error
E2Anti-freezing protection
PPAC input voltage abnormal
U5Whole unit current sensing circuit error
U74-way valve reversing error
H6Motor stalling
U8PG motor zero-crossing protection

Mini TVR 5G Codes

Trane Air Conditioner Error Codes
Trane Air Conditioner Error Codes

Malfunction Code Of Outdoor Unit (12/14/16kw):

Display Function Instruction:

  1. When stand by, LED displaying the amount of indoor units online which communicate with outdoor units.
  2. When operation, LED displaying frequency value of compressor.
  3. When defrost, LED displaying “dF”.
H0M_Home unmatching
E2Communication fault of the outdoor chip and the indoor chip
E3Communication error between Main board and IR341
E4Outdoor unit sensor fault
E5Voltage protection fault
E6Direct-current fan fault
E7Heating fan fault in the area A lasts for 5 minutes
E8There are two times E6 fault in 10 minutes (recovery will be after power off)
P0The cooling fin high temperature protection
P1High pressure protection
P2Low pressure protection
P3Compressor current protection
P4Discharge temperature protection
P5Outdoor condenser high temperature protection
P6IPM modules protection
P7Evaporator high temperature protection
P8Typhoon protection

Ceiling-Cassette Codes

Trane Cassette Indoor Unit Error Codes
Trane Cassette Indoor Unit Error Codes
Error codeExplanation
416Compressor down due to protection control of the discharge temperature sensor
450Error due to condenser temperature sensor when in cooling mode
451Error of the low pressure switch (Protection control)
425Reverse phase error (Protection control)
551In removing frost
221Error of outdoor temperature sensor (Open/Short)
237Error of condenser temperature sensor (Open/Short)
201System down caused by communication error after completion of tracking Mismatching of indoor unit quantity setting error after completion of tracking 5 times
251Error of discharge temperature sensor (Open/Short)
121Error of temperature sensor in the indoor unit (Open/Short)
122Error of the heat exchanger sensor in the indoor unit (Open/Short)
419Error of electronic expansion valve open in the outdoor unit (when it is detected more than once)
422Error of electronic expansion valve close in the outdoor unit (when it is detected more than once)
601Error of communication between the indoor unit and the wired remote controller
602Master wired remote controller / slave wired remote controller
606Polarity error (F1/F2, F3/F4 switched)
EAError of setting option for wired remote controller COM2


Before requesting service, perform following checks. If the trouble has not been corrected, please contact a local dealer or the nearest customer service centre. Be sure to inform them of the details of malfunctions and unit model number. Do not attempt to repair the unit yourself. Always consult an authorized service provider.

Indoor unit does not give cool air immediately when unit starts.Compressor restarts after approximately three minutes to protect itself. On compressor restarting units starts to give cool air again.
Unusual odor blowing from outlet when unit is started.Open the door or window for 2 minutes and run the AC in Fan mode to allow fresh air inside the room. This helps to remove odors from the room.
Sound of water flow during operation.This is caused by refrigerant flowing inside the unit.
Formation of mist while cooling.Room air is cooled quickly by cold air flow which looks like fog.
Creaking noise during start or stop.Deformation of plastic because of temperature change.
Unit does not operate.Check electrical system connections, cords and fuses. Check if power supply is within 10% of rated supply.
Decreased cooling efficiency.Check ‘set temperature’. Check for obstructions in air inlet and outlet. Check air filters for dirt. Check indoor fan speed. Check any other openings in the room.

Remote Control

Trane AC Remote Control
Trane AC Remote Control
Trane AC Remote Control
Trane AC Remote Control

Wiring Diagram

Trane AC Indoor Wiring Diagram
Trane AC Indoor Wiring Diagram
Trane AC Outdoor Wiring Diagram
Trane AC Outdoor Wiring Diagram


Air Conditioner Manual PDF

Danny Reese

*If you can't find the code you're looking for on our site, please let us know, and we'll update our database as soon as possible.

39 thoughts on “Trane AC Error Codes (Full List)”

  1. Hi,

    I have a new AC since 1 week and I have code error F0.

    Outside compressor does’nt work no movement serial 4TYK1618A10N

    Please tell what’s wrong


  2. I have Trane air-conditioning ductable AC model TTK042KDOODA …. Display showing error code 4.2 what is the problem and what I can do solve this problem

  3. My 2012 Trane 4TXM6524A1030BA will randomly shut down and throw a “E-1” code. I have to turn off the breaker and then turn back on to have the system working. Does that indicate any known problem? Thanks.


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