Carrier Chiller Error Codes and Solutions (With Pdf)

Carrier is one of the oldest multinational corporations in the world, established in 1915 the company was one of the few that manufactured every single appliance part on its own. Building systems that lasted decades the company was solely focused on putting out appliances that make a name for themselves. Over the past decades, the company has gained a lot of achievements making them one of the few that have created a solid standing around the world.

Settled in more than 106 countries, Carrier is now available in six continents. Offering a wide range of appliances while keeping its main focus on its original air conditioning and heating system. These include air conditioning and heating solutions for residential and commercial buildings. One of the most promising appliances the company offers is its chillers which ensure smooth workings in various conditions.

When facing an error code we suggest you grab a pen and paper to note down the code rather than pressing various buttons on your Carrier Chiller. This way you will not risk damaging your appliance any further and will be able to find out the exact issue using the common error code list for Carrier Chiller error codes listed below. Once you nail down the issue you can easily call in a professional, or fix the issue yourself.

Alarm Codes

The following list gives a complete description of each alarm code and its possible cause.

Alarm CodesDescription
1Evaporator entering fluid thermistor failure
2Evaporator leaving fluid thermistor failure
3Condenser entering fluid thermistor failure
4Condenser leaving fluid thermistor failure
5Condenser entering fluid thermistor failure
6Condenser leaving fluid thermistor failure
7Outdoor temperature sensor fault
8CHWS (master/slave) fluid thermistor fault
9Compressor A1, discharge gas sensor
10Compressor A2, discharge gas sensor
11Compressor B1, discharge gas sensor
12Compressor B2, discharge gas sensor
13External 0-10 V dc signal fault
14Discharge pressure transducer failure,circuit A
15Discharge pressure transducer failure, circuit
16Suction pressure transducer failure, crt A
17Suction pressure transducer failure, crt B
18Oil pressure transducer failure, compr A1
19Oil pressure transducer failure, compr A2
20Oil pressure transducer failure, compr B1
21Oil pressure transducer failure, compr B2
22Economizer A1 transducer failure
23Economizer A2 transducer failure
24Economizer B1 transducer failure
25Economizer B2 transducer failure
26Pressure sensor failure - coil pump down
circuit A
27Pressure sensor failure - coil pump down
circuit B
28Fault in the motor cooling valve position
sensor, circuit A
29Fault in the motor cooling valve position
sensor, circuit B
30Loss of communication with SCPM A1 board
31Loss of communication with SCPM A2 board
32Loss of communication with SCPM B1 board
33Loss of communication with SCPM B2 board
34Loss of communication with EXV board
35Loss of communication with fan board #1
36Loss of communication with fan board # 2
37Loss of communication with auxiliary board
type 1
38Loss of communication with heat reclaim or
evaporator heater board
39'CCN/clock board' fault
40Control box thermostat fault or phase reversal
41Unit emergency stop
42Initial factory configuration
43-nIllegal initial factory configuration
43-1Compr A capacity too high
43-2Compr B2 configured and compressor B1 absent
43-3Fan configured for a water-cooled
43-4Fans not configured
43-5Heat reclaim option configured
and reclaim sensors configured
44Discharge pressure circuit A too
45Discharge pressure circuit B too
46Oil solenoid failure, compressor
47Oil solenoid failure, compressor
48Oil solenoid failure, compressor
49Oil solenoid failure, compressor
50Pre-start oil pressure,
compressor A1
51Pre-start oil pressure,
compressor A2
52Pre-start oil pressure,
compressor B1
53Pre-start oil pressure,
compressor B2
54Oil level circuit A low
55Oil level circuit B low
56Low saturated suction temp, crt A
57Low saturated suction temp,
circuit B
58High saturated suction temp,
circuit A
59High saturated suction temp,
crt B
60Low discharge superheat,
circuit A
61Low discharge superheat, crt B
62Max. oil pressure difference,
compressor A1
63Max. oil pressure difference,
compressor A2
64Max. oil pressure difference,
compressor B1
65Max. oil pressure difference,
compressor B2
66Loss of commuincation with
System Manager
67Loss of communication with
master or slave unit
68Low oil pressure compr A1
69Low oil pressure compr A2
70Low oil pressure compr B1
71Low oil pressure compr B2
72Evaporator frost protection
73Condenser frost protection, circuit
74Condenser frost protection, circuit
75Evaporator water flow control
76Condenser water flow loss
77High current, compressor A1
78High current, compressor A2
79High current, compressor B1
80High current, compressor B2
81Pump 1 fault
82Pump 2 fault
83Heat reclaim mode fault, circuit A
84Heat reclaim mode fault, circuit B
85Water flow fault, heat reclaim
86-nnMaster/slave configuration fault
87-nMaintenance alert
87-1Charge too low
87-2Water loop too low
87-3Air filter maintenance delay elapsed
87-4Pump 1 maintenance delay elapsed
87-5Pump 2 maintenance delay elapsed
87-6Water filter maintenance delay
  • 30GX and 30HXC series
  • PRO-DIALOG Control
  • Screw-Compressor Air- and
  • Water-Cooled Liquid Chillers
  • 50 Hz

The PRO-DIALOG Plus control system has many fault tracing aid functions. The local interface and its various menus give access to all unit operating conditions. The test function makes it possible to run a quick test of all devices on the unit. If an operating fault is detected, an alarm is activated and an alarm code is stored in the Alarm menu.

Diagnostics and Troubleshooting

Carrier Chiller Error Codes
Carrier Chiller Error Codes


Carrier Chiller Error Codes-1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27
Carrier Chiller Error Codes-1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27


Carrier Chiller Error Codes
Carrier Chiller Fault Codes


Carrier Chiller Error Codes
Carrier Chiller Fault Codes


Carrier Chiller Error Codes
Carrier Chiller Error Codes

Resetting Alarm Codes

When the cause of the alarm has been corrected the alarm can be reset, depending on the type, either automatically on return to normal, or manually when action has been taken on the unit. Alarms can be reset even if the unit is running. This means that an alarm can be reset without stopping the machine. In the event of a power supply interrupt, the unit restarts automatically without the need for an external com- mand. However, any faults active when the supply is inter- rupted are saved and may in certain cases prevent a circuit or a unit from restarting. A manual reset must be run from the main interface using the following procedure:

Reset of Active Alarms


Manuals Pdf

Chiller Manual Pdf

Chiller Alarm Codes Pdf

Air-cooled screw chillers 30xa installation, operation and maintenance manual pdf

Carrier AC Error Codes

Danny Reese

*If you can't find the code you're looking for on our site, please let us know, and we'll update our database as soon as possible.

10 thoughts on “Carrier Chiller Error Codes and Solutions (With Pdf)”

  1. Looking for a manual for a carrier chiller, Model No. 30HG-250–0009–EE–
    Serial No. 12H715949
    Year 1997.
    Having a few fault lights coming up and need to find the problem


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