Haier Air Conditioner Error Codes (Simple Solutions)

Haier is a China-based multinational home appliance, and consumer electronics company that first came into working in 1985. With headquarters in Qingdao, Shandong, the company is all set to manufacture, develop, and design a wide range of products. These include, but are not limited to refrigerators, washing machines, air conditioners, dryers, microwave ovens, computers, televisions, and microwave ovens.  Additionally, the company not only caters to residentials but even has appliances that can help businesses.

Named as the best brand for 10 years in a row Haier has made its name as a reliable and trusted source. Additionally, the company has received a number of awards that have been added to its shelf. Creating a worldwide impact, that was followed by their head offices in countries all around the world. Today, a world-leading power solution provider that offers top-of-the-line air conditioner systems for your home and offices.

While being one of the best, Haier ACs are no exception to the common error issue that some consumers may face. The best way to deal with the situation is to note down the error code and match it using the list below. Once you have the error code you can easily work your way to the fix. To help you out we have listed down some of the most common error codes for Haier AC.

Codes Table

Error CodesDescription
E0Drainage system trouble
E1Indoor room temperature sensor failure. Indoor room temp. sensor in short circuit, or open circuit, it can resume due to the signal.
E2Indoor coil temperature sensor failure. Indoor coil temp. sensor in short circuit, or open circuit, it can resume due to the signal.
E3Outdoor temperature sensor broken
E4EEPROM wrong. Being electrified to test E2 check sum, or E2 is broken down.
E5Over current protect limit
E6Pressure protect
E7Communication failure between indoor and outdoor. Communication failure alarms for 4 minutes contineously, it can resume due to the signal.
E8Communication trouble between indoor and outdoor unit
E9Communication trouble between indoor and outdoor unit
E14Indoor fan motor failure. Indoor fan motor wrong wiring or indoor fan motor abnormal.
E18Temperature cut off protection. Outdoor 4-way valve response abnormal.
F1Module failure. Outdoor module abnormal
F2Outdoor DC motor failure. Outdoor DC motor abnormal.
F3Communication fault between the IPM and outdoor PCB
F4Compressor overheat / discharging temperature protection. Compressor discharging temperature over high protection.
F5Module over current / current transducer failure
F6Outdoor ambient temp. sensor abnormal. Outdoor ambient temp. sensor in short current or open circuit.
F7Outdoor suction/defrosting temp. sensor abnormal. Outdoor suction/defrosting temp. sensor in short circuit or open circuit.
F8High pressure abnormal. High pressure too high.
F9Low pressure abnormal. Low pressure abnormal.
F10No AC power supply
F11Outdoor PCB EEPROM abnormal. Being electrified to test if the E2 check sum is correct or failure
F12Outdoor EEPROM fault
F13Communication failure between outdoor PCB and module
F14Compressor discharging temp. sensor failure. Outdoor compressor discharging temp. sensor in short circuit or open circuit
F15Compressor running faulty. Resumable.
F16Running state-detecting circuit failure. Outdoor DC compressor running state-detecting circuit failure, or compressor abnormal, resumable.
F19Power voltage too high or too low
F21Defrost temperature sensor fault
F22Overcurrent  protection of  AC electricity  for  the outdoor model
F23Overcurrent protection for single-phase of the compressor
F25Discharge temperature sensor fault
F28Loop  of  the station detect error
F66Ambient temperature sensor fault
ECRefrigerant Leakage

Remote Control

Remote Control
Haier Air Conditioner Remote Control

Portable AC Codes

Haier Portable AC Error Codes
Haier Portable AC Error Codes
Error CodesProblem
E0Indicates incoming power issues, such as a low voltage condition or excessive power consumption. Unplug the unit for 10 minutes. Service may be required
E1Indicates a stuck button on the front panel key pad. Unplug unit and press each button firmly to reset the switches. Then, plug the unit back into the power supply. Service may be required
E4Unit has a tank built-in that must be emptied periodically. E4 indicates the tank float is stuck. Open the water tank and verify no debris is blocking the operation of the float.
STOPUnit has a tank built-in that must be emptied periodically. STOP indicates the tank must be emptied or tank float is stuck. Unit will not run while STOP appears. Empty the tank. Open the water reservoir and verify no debris is blocking the operation of the float.
High TempAppears when ambient room temperature is over 99 degrees F. If the ambient temperature is not above 99F, then service may be required.

List of Light LED Codes

  • 1 Flash times of LED on mainboard. Trouble description: Eeprom failure. Analyze and diagnose: Outdoor main board eeprom fail.
  • 2 Flash times of LED on mainboard. Trouble description: IPM failure. Analyze and diagnose: IPM failure.
  • 4 Flash times of LED on mainboard. Trouble description: Communication error between main board and spdu module SPDU Communicition error. Analyze and diagnose: Communication fail over 4 min.
  • 5 Flash times of LED on mainboard. Trouble description: High pressure protection. Analyze and diagnose: System high pressure over 4.15 Mpa.
  • 6 Flash times of LED on mainboard. Trouble description: Module over-voltage protection/ Module lack-voltage protection. Analyze and diagnose: Send from Spdu module.
  • 8 Flash times of LED on mainboard. Trouble description: Compressor discharging temperature protection. Analyze and diagnose: Compressor discharging temperature over 110 centigrade.
  • 9 Flash times of LED on mainboard. Trouble description: Abnomal of DC motor. Analyze and diagnose: jam of DC motor or motor failure.
  • 10 Flash times of LED on mainboard. Trouble description: Abnomal of pipe sensor. Analyze and diagnose: Piping sensor short-circuit or open-circuit.
  • 12 Flash times of LED on mainboard. Trouble description: Abnomal of outdoor ambient sensor. Analyze and diagnose: Outdoor ambient sensor short-circuit or open-circuit.
  • 13 Flash times of LED on mainboard. Trouble description: Abnormal of compressor dischage sensor. Analyze and diagnose: Compressor discharging sensor short-circuit or open-circuit.
  • 15 Flash times of LED on mainboard. Trouble description: Communication error between indoor and outdoor unit. Analyze and diagnose: Communication fail over 4 min.
  • 16 Flash times of LED on mainboard. Trouble description: Lack of refrigerant. Analyze and diagnose: check if there is leakage in the unit.
  • 17 Flash times of LED on mainboard. Trouble description: 4-way valve reverse failure. Alarm and stop if detect Td-Tci<=15 last for 1min after compressor has started for 10min in heating mode, confirm the failure if it appears 3 times in one hour.
  • 18 Flash times of LED on mainboard. Trouble description: Compressor jam. Analyze and diagnose: Inner compressor is abnormal jamed.
  • 19 Flash times of LED on mainboard. Trouble description: Module EEV select circuit error. Analyze and diagnose: Module EEV select wrong circuit.
  • 25 Flash times of LED on mainboard. Trouble description: Compressor U-phase over-current. Analyze and diagnose: The current of compressor U-phase is too high.

Cassette AC Codes

Haier Cassette AC Error Codes
Haier Cassette AC Error Codes


Problem: Unit does not start or operate

Possible Cause:

  1. Power supply cord is not plugged into an outlet.
  2. Power supply cord has tripped.
  3. The Power button has not been pressed.
  4. There is no power to the electrical outlet.
  5. A household fuse has blown or a circuit breaker has tripped.
  6. The control was programmed for a Time Delay.
  7. The batteries in the remote control are dead.
  8. The internal water tank is full.


  1. Plug the power cord into a grounded 3 prong outlet.
  2. Press and release the RESET button on the power supply cord.
  3. Press the Power button on the Control Panel or Remote Control to turn ON the air conditioner.
  4. Plug a working lamp into the outlet to check for power.
  5. Replace the fuse or reset the circuit breaker.
  6. Cancel the Time Delay.
  7. Replace the batteries.
  8. Empty the water tank.

Problem: Air conditioner is working but the room is not cooling.

Possible Cause:

  1. The room temperature is hot.
  2. The control is set incorrectly to Fan or Dehum mode.
  3. Airflow is restricted.
  4. Temperature set too high.
  5. Air filters are dirty or restricted.
  6. Air conditioner installed incorrectly.
  7. Doors and windows are open.


  1. Allow time for the room to cool when you first turn on the unit.
  2. Set the Mode to Cool and the Fan Speed to High.
  3. Remove any obstacles to the airflow and redirect airflow for uniform cooling.
  4. Lower the set temperature.
  5. Clean the air filter.
  6. Check the exhaust hose and window panel for proper installation.
  7. Close the doors and windows to the room being cooled to prevent cooled air from escaping.

Problem: Remote control is not working

Possible Cause:

  1. Batteries are dead.
  2. Batteries are installed incorrectly.


  1. Replace the batteries.
  2. Make sure the batteries are inserted in the correct position.

Wiring Diagram

Haier AC Outdoor Unit Wiring Diagram
Haier AC Outdoor Unit Wiring Diagram

Manuals PDF

 Commercial AC Service Manual

Multi Series Air Conditioner Manual

Cassette AC Manual

WindowType Air Conditioner Manual

Portable AC Manual

Fujitsu AC Error Codes

Danny Reese

*If you can't find the code you're looking for on our site, please let us know, and we'll update our database as soon as possible.

67 thoughts on “Haier Air Conditioner Error Codes (Simple Solutions)”

  1. Just installed a new Haier Perla 3×1 multi split Aircon, after a few hours it has stopped blowing cold air and I get Error code F40. How do i fix this, thanks


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