Hisense AC Error Codes List and Fixes

Hisense is a multinational white goods and electronics manufacturer based in China. It is the largest television manufacturer in China since 2004, yet offers a wide range of other electrons and appliances as well. Offering its products under a range of brands such as Sharp, Toshiba, Hisense, Ronshen, Kelon, and Gorenje. While the brand name may vary, the products are designed and manufactured by Hisense.

Apart from TVs, the second focus Hisense has is on air conditioning units. These units are available for home and office use, and can easily match your requirements. With a wide range of selections, you cannot go wrong with the one that compliments your space. However, like any other electronic appliance, Hisense ACs are open to errors and issues. Fortunately, most of them are minor and easily fixable.

To help you out we have listed down some of the most common error codes for Hisense ACs. Start by noting down the error code, and match it using the list below. Once you have the error code you can easily find out which area of your air conditioner is acting up, and how to best deal with the situation at hand. Rather than letting someone poke through the system, you can ensure a quick and easy fix.

Codes List

Press the high power for 4 times in a row and the trouble codes listed below will be displayed.

0: No trouble.

1: Outdoor coil temperature sensor in trouble.

2: Compressor temperature sensor in trouble.

3: Voltage transformer in trouble.

4: Current transformer in trouble.

5: IPM module protection.

6: Over and under-voltage control.

7: Communication trouble.

8: Current overload control.

9: Maximum current control.

10: Communication trouble (between outdoor unit and driver unit).

11: Outdoor EEPROM in trouble.

13: Compressor exhaust temperature too high control.

14: Outdoor ambient temperature sensor in trouble.

15: Compressor housing temperature control.

16: Anti-freeze or overload control.

18: DC compressor fails to start.

19: DC compressor out of step.

33: Room temperature sensor in trouble.

34: Indoor coil temperature sensor in trouble.

35: Between wire remote controller and indoor unit communication trouble.

36: Communication between the indoor and outdoor in trouble.

37: Water overbrimmed the pump.

38: Indoor EEPROM in trouble.

39: Indoor fan motor operation abnormal.

40: Grid protection alarm (cabinet type).

41: Detecting failures by zero-crossing.

F0: Wire remote controller EEPROM failure. Change wire remote controller.

F1: Wire remote controller temperature sensor failure. Change wire remote controller.

F2: Wire remote controller clock IC failure. Change wire remote controller.

F3: Wire remote controller humidity sensor failure. Change wire remote controller.

FE: Communication between main control board & Wiring remote controller Fault (display on wiring remote controller).

ER: Communication between main control board &display board Fault.

E2: When the evaporator pipe temperature is higher than 63C, the error code will display.

E4: When the indoor fan speed is lower than 200 rpm, the error code will display. There are something block the indoor fan motor.

EA: The error code will display when the communication between display board and control board have in trouble. The connection between the display board and control board is loose.

Display of Codes

Hisense Air Conditioner Display introduction
Hisense Air Conditioner Display introduction

When the system stops running,press the “CHECK” and “↑↓” buttons, “SERVICE” and “00” will display,”00” is index ,press “∧”and “∨” button to set the value, the index value is displayed at the timer area .Each index value shows corresponding content,as follows:

CodesPossible Cause
0No trouble
1Outdoor coil temperature sensor in trouble. 1. Outdoor coil temperature sensor is failure. 2. Outdoor control board in trouble.
2Compressor discharge temperature sensor in trouble. 1. Compressor discharge sensor is failure. 2. Outdoor control board in trouble.
5IPM protection. 1. Normal protection. 2. Outdoor IPM control board is failure in the outdoor control board. 3. The compressor is failure.
6Over and under-voltage control. 1. Voltage of power supply is abnormal. 2. Outdoor control board in trouble.
8Current overload control. 1. Normal protection. 2. The outdoor control board in trouble.
9Maximum current control. 1. Normal protection. 2. The compressor is failure.
11Outdoor EEPROM in trouble. Outdoor control board in trouble.
13Compressor exhaust temperature too high control. 1. Heat exchanger and indoor filter were dirty. 2. The refrigeration system was stopt. 3. Compressor discharge temperature sensor is failure.
14Outdoor ambient temperature sensor in trouble. 1. Outdoor ambient temperature sensor is failure. 2. Outdoor control board in trouble.
15Compressor housing temperature protection. 1. Compressor overheat protection sensor is failure. 2. Outdoor control board in trouble.
16Anti-freeze or overload control. 1. Indoor coil temperature sensor is failure. 2. Indoor control board in trouble.
18Compressor fails to start. 1. Compressor is failture. 2. Outdoor IPM control board is failure in the outdoor control board.
33Room temperature sensor in trouble. 1. Room temperature sensor is failure. 2. Indoor control board in trouble.
34Indoor coil temperature sensor in trouble. 1. Indoor coil temperature sensor is failure. 2.Indoor control board in trouble.
35Between wire remote controller and indoor unit communication trouble. 1. Wire remote controller in trouble. 2.Indoor control board in trouble.
36Communication between the indoor and outdoor in trouble. 1. Connection cable isn’t well connect. 2. Indoor control board in trouble. 3. Outdoor control board in trouble.
37Water overbrimmed the pump. Check the pump.
38Indoor EEPROM in trouble. Indoor control board in trouble.

Remote Control

Hisense Air Conditioner RemoteControl Display
Hisense Air Conditioner Remote Control Display

Indication on the Indoor Unit

If the compressor fails when it is interrupted, the indoor unit’s LED flashes indicating the specific trouble code. It flashes as many times as the number of the trouble code is.

TimesPossible Cause
1Outdoor coil temperature sensor in trouble. 1. Outdoor coil temperature sensor is failure. 2. Outdoor control board in trouble.
2Compressor discharge temperature sensor in trouble. 1. Compressor discharge sensor is failure. 2. Outdoor control board in trouble.
4Current transformer in trouble.
5IPM protection. 1. Normal protection. 2. Outdoor IPM control board is failure in the outdoor control board. 3. The compressor is failure.
6Over and under-voltage control. 1. Voltage of power supply is abnormal. 2. Outdoor control board in trouble.
8Current overload control. 1. Normal protection. 2. The outdoor control board in trouble.
9Maximum current control. 1. Normal protection. 2. The compressor is failure.
11Outdoor EEPROM in trouble. Outdoor control board in trouble.
13Compressor exhaust temperature too high control. 1. Heat exchanger and indoor filter were dirty. 2. The refrigeration system was stopt. 3. Compressor discharge temperature sensor is failure.
14Outdoor ambient temperature sensor in trouble. 1. Outdoor ambient temperature sensor is failure. 2. Outdoor control board in trouble.
15Compressor housing temperature protection. 1. Compressor overheat protection sensor is failure. 2. Outdoor control board in trouble.
16Anti-freeze or overload control. 1. Indoor coil temperature sensor is failure. 2. Indoor control board in trouble.
18Compressor fails to start. 1. Compressor is failture. 2. Outdoor IPM control board is failure in the outdoor control board.
33Room temperature sensor in trouble. 1. Room temperature sensor is failure. 2. Indoor control board in trouble.
34Indoor coil temperature sensor in trouble. 1. Indoor coil temperature sensor is failure. 2. Indoor control board in trouble.
35Between wire remote controller and indoor unit communication trouble. 1. Wire remote controller in trouble. 2. Indoor control board in trouble.
36Communication between the indoor and outdoor in trouble. 1. Connection cable isn’t well connect. 2. Indoor control board in trouble. 3. Outdoor control board in trouble.
37Water overbrimmed the pump. Check the pump.
38Indoor EEPROM in trouble. Indoor control board in trouble.

Portable AC Codes

Hisense Portable Air Conditioner Troubleshooting
Hisense Portable Air Conditioner Troubleshooting

Before calling for service, please try the suggestions below.

Display codes

  • If the unit displays error code E5, the water container is full. Drain the water, see “Draining the air conditioner”. After draining, the unit can be operated again.
  • P3: High temperature protection of ambient temperature sensor in cooling mode. When the ambient temperature is higher than 65°C, the system displays P3 protection and all units stop running. When the ambient temperature returns drops below 58°C, P3 is removed and normal operation resumes.

Portable AC Remote Control

Hisense Portable Air Conditioner Remote Control Display
Hisense Portable AC Remote Control Display
Hisense Portable Air Conditioner Control Panel Display
Hisense Portable AC Control Panel Display

VRF Air Conditioner Codes

Hisense VRF Air Conditioner Error Codes
Hisense VRF Air Conditioner Error Codes

Inverter-driven Multi-split Air Conditioner (Heat Pump):

Error CodesProblem
01Activation of Protection Device (Float Switch). Activation of Float Switch.
02Activation of Protection Device (High Pressure Cut). Activation of PSH.
03Abnormality between Indoor and Outdoor. Incorrect Wiring, Loose Terminals, Disconnect Wire, Blowout of Fuse, Outdoor Unit Power OFF.
04Abnormality between Inverter PCB and Outdoor PCB. Inverter PCB - Outdoor PCB Transmission Failure.
05Abnormality Power Source Phases. Incorrect Power Source, Connection to Reversed Phase, Open-Phase.
06Abnormal Inverter Voltage. Outdoor Voltage Drop, Insufficient Power Capacity.
07Decrease in Discharge Gas Superheat. Excessive Refrigerant Charge, Failure of Thermistor, Incorrect Wiring, Incorrect Piping Connection, Expansion Valve Locking at Opened Position (Disconnect Connector).
08Increase in Discharge Gas Temperature. Insufficient Refrigerant Charge, Pipe Clogging, Failure of Thermistor, Incorrect Wiring, Incorrect Piping Connection, Expansion Valve Locking at Closed Position (Disconnect Connector).
0AAbnormality between Outdoor and Outdoor. Incorrect Wiring, Breaking Wire, Loose Terminals.
0bIncorrect Outdoor Unit Address Setting. Duplication of Address Setting for Outdoor Units (Sub Units) in Same Refrigerant Cycle System.
0CIncorrect Outdoor Unit Main Unit Setting. Two (or more) Outdoor Units Set as “Main Unit” Exist in Same Refrigerant Cycle System.
11Inlet Air Thermistor. Incorrect Wiring, Disconnecting Wiring Breaking Wire, Short Circuit.
12Outlet Air Thermistor. Incorrect Wiring, Disconnecting Wiring Breaking Wire, Short Circuit.
13Freeze Protection Thermistor. Incorrect Wiring, Disconnecting Wiring Breaking Wire, Short Circuit.
14Gas Piping Thermistor. Incorrect Wiring, Disconnecting Wiring Breaking Wire, Short Circuit.
19Activation of Protection Device for Indoor Fan. Fan Motor Overheat, Locking.
21High Pressure Sensor. Incorrect Wiring, Disconnecting Wiring Breaking Wire, Short Circuit.
22Outdoor Air Thermistor. Incorrect Wiring, Disconnecting Wiring Breaking Wire, Short Circuit.
23Discharge Gas Thermistor on Top of Compressor. Incorrect Wiring, Disconnecting Wiring Breaking Wire, Short Circuit.
24Heat Exchanger Liquid Pipe Thermistor. Incorrect Wiring, Disconnecting Wiring Breaking Wire, Short Circuit.
25Heat Exchanger Gas Pipe Thermistor. Incorrect Wiring, Disconnecting Wiring Breaking Wire, Short Circuit.
29Low Pressure Sensor. Incorrect Wiring, Disconnecting Wiring Breaking Wire, Short Circuit.
31Incorrect Capacity Setting of Outdoor Unit and Indoor Unit. Incorrect Capacity Code Setting of Combination Excessive or Insufficient Indoor Unit Total Capacity Code.
35Incorrect Setting of Indoor Unit No. Duplication of Indoor Unit No. in same Ref. Gr.
36Incorrect of Indoor Unit Combination. Indoor Unit is Designed for R22.
38Abnormality of Picking up Circuit for Protection in Outdoor Unit. Failure of Protection Detecting Device (Incorrect Wiring of Outdoor PCB)
39Abnormality Running Current at Constant Speed Compressor. Overcurrent, Blowout Fuse, Current Sensor Failure, Instantaneous Power Failure, Voltage Drop, Abnormal Power Supply.
3AAbnormality of Outdoor Unit Capacity. Outdoor Unit Capacity > 1350KBtu/h.
3bIncorrect Setting of Outdoor Unit Models Combination or Voltage. Incorrect Setting of Main and Sub Unit(s) Combination or Voltage.
3dAbnormality Transmission between Main Unit and Sub Unit(s). Incorrect Wiring, Disconnect Wire, Breaking Wire, PCB Failure.
43Activation of Low Pressure Decrease Protection Device. Defective Compression (Failure of Compressor of Inverter, Loose Power Supply Connection).
44Activation of Low Pressure Increase Protection Device. Overload at Cooling, High Temperature at Heating, Expansion Valve Locking (Loose Connector).
45Activation of High Pressure Increase Protection Device. Overload Operation (Clogging, Short-Pass), Pipe Clogging, Excessive Refrigerant, Inert Gas Mixing.
47Activation of Low Pressure Decrease Protection Device (Vacuum Operation Protection). Insufficient Refrigerant, Refrigerant Piping, Clogging, Expansion Valve Locking at Open Position (Loose Connector).
48Activation of Inverter Overcurrent Protection Device. Overload Operation, Compressor Failure.
51Abnormal Inverter Current Sensor. Current Sensor Failure.
53Inverter Error Signal Detection. Driver IC Error Signal Detection (Protection for Overcurrent, Low Voltage, Short Circuit).
54Abnormality of Inverter Fin Temperature. Abnormal Inverter Fin Thermistor, Heat Exchanger Clogging, Fan Motor Failure.
55Inverter Failure. Inverter PCB Failure.
57Activation of Fan Controller Protection. Driver IC Error Signal Detection (Protection for Overcurrent, Low Voltage, Short Circuit), Instantaneous Overcurrent.
5AAbnormality of Fan Controller Fin Temperature. Fin Thermistor Failure, Heat Exchanger Clogging, Fan Motor Failure.
5bActivation of Overcurrent Protection. Fan Motor Failure.
5cAbnormality of Fan Controller Sensor. Failure of Current Sensor (Instantaneous Overcurrent, Increase of Fin Temperature, Low Voltage, Earth Fault, Step-Out).
EECompressor Protection Alarm (It is can not be reset from remote Controller). This alarm code appears when the following alarms* occurs three times within 6 hours. *02, 07, 08, 39, 43 to 45, 47.
b1Incorrect Outdoor Unit Address Number or Unit Number Setting. Over 64 Number is Set for Address or Refrigerant Cycle.
b5Incorrect Indoor Unit Connection Number Setting. More than 17 Non-Corresponding to Hi-NET II Units are Connected to One System.

If the indoor unit display the 75,76,77,78 fault code after you turn on the unit, please check the TEST seat of the indoor control board or the TEST detection circuit whether exists short circuit.

FE-Error Codes Indicated By Wire Remote Controller
FE-Error Codes Indicated By Wire Remote Controller

Vrf Wiring Diagram


Hisense VRF - Instruction for Electrical Wiring Connection
Hisense VRF – Instruction for Electrical Wiring Connection


Hisense Air Conditioner Troubleshooting

The following cases may not always be a malfunction, please check it before asking for service.

Trouble: Does not run


  • If the protector trip or fuse is blown.
  • If the plug is not properly plugged.
  • If batteries in the remote controller exhausted.
  • Please wait for 3 minutes and start again, protector device may be preventing unit to work

Trouble: No cooling or heating air


  • Is the air filter dirty?
  • Are the intakes and outlets of the air conditioner blocked?
  • Is the temperature set properly?

Trouble: Ineffective control

Analysis: If strong interference(from excessive static electricity discharge, power supply voltage abnormality presents, operation will be abnormal. At this time, disconnect from the power supply and connect back 2-3 seconds later.

Trouble: Peculiar odor

Analysis: This odor may come from another source such as furniture, cigarette etc, which is sucked in the unit and blows out with the air.

Electrical Wiring Diagrams

Hisense AC Indoor and Outdoor Electrical wiring diagrams
Hisense AC Indoor and Outdoor Electrical wiring diagrams

Manuals Pdf

Split Type AC Service Manual PDF

Portable AC Manual PDF

VRF Air Conditioner Manual PDF

VRF Aircon Manual PDF 2

Multi-Split Type AC Service Manual

Inverter AC Technical and Service Manual PDF

Fujitsu AC Error Codes




Danny Reese
Latest posts by Danny Reese (see all)

*If you can't find the code you're looking for on our site, please let us know, and we'll update our database as soon as possible.

24 thoughts on “Hisense AC Error Codes List and Fixes”

  1. I have problem in Hisense floor standing ac with error code 11, is anyone there to assist me please, how to troubleshoot and fix the issues of error code 11.


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